
On June 24th I started my PCT adventure with two flights from Zürich to London and then to Seattle. All flights were on time and went by without any problems.

The night before flying I didn’t sleep at all so I was very tired and slept a lot during the flights (at least I tried). After arrival in Seattle I was happy to see my luggage made it also to Seattle as there have been reports about chaotic baggage situations in London Heathrow.

After leaving the airport I took a train to my hotel at Pioneer Square, checked in and left directly again because I wanted to stay awake as long as possible to transition into the new time zone. I ventured through town and was able stay awake to the evening.

My first night in Seattle wasn’t that great. I felt a bit fewerish and weak. So I went to a nearby pharmacy, bought some medicine and a Covid Home Kit test. Back at the hotel, it became obvious why I wasn’t feeling well. The test turned positive in seconds…

I informed the hotel management because now I had to selfisolate for at least 5 days.

In the next days the symptoms first got worse. Fever, fatigue, blocked nasal cavities, no appetite and over the following days I lost my sense of smell.

Over the next days I watched a lot of American TV (and advertising 🙄) and binge-watched a couple of series.

The selfisolation can end after 5 days, if one is free of symptoms for the last 24h. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case for me, so I had to extend my stay again…. In total I selfisolated for 10 days

On the 11th day I did a bit of sightseeing of what I had planned initially. See photos below.

3 Kommentare

    • Maria Büschlen auf 2022-07-28 bei 17:30
    • Antworten

    😱😱 Such a small room!!!didn‘t you get crazy?🤪

    1. I didn’t choose it to self isolate. More to have a base while exploring the city 🥴

  1. So good that you have recovered and your adventure has really „got going“! Take care and enjoy it step by step!

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